Johnny "Transcendence" in my opinion is one of the best movies so far this year. This science fiction film is a cross between “Source Code” and “Terminator” with an underlying love theme. The movie is about a scientist (Johnny Depp) who is on the...Movies
L Lemurs is an absolutely delightful, short documentary about one of our closest genetic relatives - the critically endangered and absolutely delightful Madagascar residents. Their saga from mainland Africa to their new and now only home the Madagascar is narrated by Morgan Freeman. The film is an absolute delight that will surely...
s If you are a Superman fan, MAN OF STEEL is the best of the series. This Superman has come a long way with incredible sets, action, adventure and the most breathtaking special effects. This version is not a love story between Superman and Lois Lane this version explains who Superman is, where he came from and shows flash backs....