In the two new animated films Moana and Trolls both female characters are the heroine and not looking for her perfect Prince or mate. This time she is looking to save her people. Both Moana and Poppy are the leader of their Island and are courageous and willing to risk their lives to save their tribe whether it is human or...
"TROLLS" which opens on November 4th is unique in that the adults will adore it as much as the kids. It has a great message, the music and action are non-stop fun from start to finish. Many of the tongue in cheek jokes will go over heads of the children. I had a blast. The story revolves around the "TROLLS" who are to be eaten by their...
Pitch Perfect 2.
Fat Amy, Rebel Wilson, steals the film which is silly fun. The film opens with Rebel Wilson exposing herself to President and Michelle Obama at a competition. Because of the fiasco, The Bella's are banned from performing unless they win a championship in Europe.
The movie is silly but I have to say that I...