If you love dogs this true story is a must see. The dog who plays Arthur deserves an academy award. I adored it.
4 out of five.
Loved it. The photography was gorgeous Marky W stars and produced this beautiful story. This is a sweet story that is based on real events. A dog...
I adore Illumination and 2 is stronger than 1. It has a ton of heart and is adorable.
It is worth taking a child or any animal lover. Charming!
This one has many story lines that are ridiculous and don't make any sense but it is a cartoon and the kids will adore it.
One example is snowball voiced by the always hilarious Kevin...
Don't know what to take the kids to see? Here is my list.
Rent or buy "The Secret Life of Pets" you can even watch it on Demand and purchase it for one low price. It is a must for dog and cat lovers of all ages.
"Sing" an adorable animated film that has some very funny numbers. I especially adored the dance number it is very...