With the IMF disbanded, and Ethan (Tom Cruise) out in the cold, the team now faces off against a network of highly skilled special agents, the Syndicate. These highly trained operatives are hell-bent on creating a new world order through an escalating series of terrorist attacks. Ethan gathers his team and joins forces with disavowed...
Jurassic World is for movie lovers that love incredible heart pounding special effects. In the new film the dinosaurs are so much larger with bigger teeth and the 3D action is a thrill ride from start to finish. The animated dinosaurs are so real and Spielberg's film has gone to new heights in special effects.
This film is huge in...
I love really way out science fiction. Chappie, is a reject robot from the near future that malfunctions and is supposed to be turned into scrap metal. Instead, Dev Patel plays a scientist who is called " his maker" according to Chappie and takes him to his home to try and put him together. He then builds Chappie into a robot...
Go and see Bill in the thriller November Man. It is a great action adventure film. I remember you from Life Goes On. You played such a warm, kind Father figure. In November Man you play a sexist, evil character. Was it difficult playing a sexist character? Difficult? No. Distasteful? Yes....