I have not been at the theater since March of 2020. I always adored live theater and my parents took me at the age of three. My first show was The Paper Bag Players and there were two shows. After the first I told my Mom I wanted to stay and see it again They thought I was cute and invited us to see it again.
I had the love at age three and to this day my love for live theater has grown. IT IS LIKE FOOD AND WATER!I WILL NEVER TAKE IT FOR GRANTED! LOSING IT FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS FELT LIKE 10.
In the last few weeks I binged on “SIX ” “MRS WARREN’S PROFESSION”, “CHICKEN & BISCUITS ” and “FAIRYCAKES ”
Live theater is a . It needs to be cherished. I have missed it and I will never take it for granted.
The greatest part of this is the energy and love coming from the audience. We lovers of live theater appreciate and love you. The standing ovations have been at every performance. Go and see a show!
It is a magical experience and go and see it! This is Corine from Broadway Showbiz.