To all our Adele Dazeem fans.... aka Idina Menzel. Randy Rainbow's hysterical parody is really worth checking out. It is funny. I will warn you. You wont be able to get it out of your head. ADELE DAZEEM...... Thanks, Randy Rainbow. You're awesome. ADELE DAZEEM
Advertise in our classified section. Ads start at $100 a month. For info call 212-362-6232. List your cabaret show, your headshot services and much more. Affordable classified display ads. ...
August Osage County was a brilliant Broadway show that was made into a big blockbuster film with Streep, Julia Roberts, Sam Shepard. The piece feels like a Shepard play. Rough, real, raw. It is about a truly hideous family that scream, yell and do terrible things to each other. This is not the Brady Bunch. Julia Roberts is bare...