James has graced both the big screen and Television for over 60 years and continues working to this day. His current projects include reprising his role in the third installment of DreamWorks Animation “Kung Fu Panda 3” released this past January. Recently he had an appearance on Marvel’s “Agents of Shield” opposite Ming...
My favorite cartoon has always been The Peanuts gang. This week they are releasing a 3D Peanuts film by 20th Century Fox.
The Peanuts Movie. Blue Sky animation. Blue Sky always makes beautiful movies.
Need a movie to take the children to see? I saw a screening of the film on Monday, and it is perfect for...
Corine Cohen: Sharon, you have the most interesting job. I read you have been involved with the Tribeca Film Festival from the start. As a film lover, I can't imagine a better job. What is a typical day like at the Festival?
Sharon Badal: Since most of my time during the submission phase (from October to February) involves watching...