blended Blended is an absolutely wonderful comedy with two of Hollywood’s big shots Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. The duo has previously stared in" 50 first dates" and in "The Wedding Singer." They once again reunite the silver screen in...
Corine Cohen Interviewed Samuel E. Wright Broadway Theater actor ( The Lion King Mufasa) The Little Mermaid film Sebastian, Disney's Dinosaur and over 18 Broadway shows. It was a great honor to speak with him.
Look for the new release of The Little Mermaid Diamond Edition on Blu- Ray starting October...
This event is from last May.
Celebrate the 20th Annual Taste of Tribeca on Saturday, May 17, 2014
Downtown Culinary Festival Benefitting PS 150 and PS 234
New York, NY (April 2014) – Spring is in the air! And we are gearing up for the 20th Annual Taste of Tribeca (, a one-of-a-kind outdoor...