The show revolves around Renee Fleming ( An Opera Diva), and Douglas Sills (Vito De Angelis) the couple is self-absorbed and egomaniacs. They are running low on money and decide to have ghost writers help them write a biography so they can get an advance to keep them living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. ( Cue Robin...
Shana Carroll and Sebastien Solderville do an incredible job putting this amazing show together. This team jump through hoops and do triple flips in the air. They bounce on tightropes, without a net. They are limber and can do amazing feats including juggling strange boxes. The show was a lot of fun and you can catch it at City...
This in from ABC TV!
Special Musical Guest Andy Grammer to Perform Hit Song “Honey, I’m Good”
Dancing with the Stars: 10th Anniversary Special Airs Tuesday, April 28
“Episode 2007” – Next week on “Dancing with the Stars” the seven remaining couples will perform an iconic number from...