It is raining and I decided to write about a marvelous salad I made today.
The base is an Opal apple and Arugula. I usually use a cabbage mix but Target was out. I had a mix from Trader Joe's Arugula.
One opal apple chopped into tiny pieces. I added one once of turkey and two stripes of crisp turkey bacon. Add a dash of dill,...
I adore sushi. There is a great place called Bondi Sushi and they have tiny scrumptious spicy handrolls,during Happy Hour. I no longer drink but I tried the Lobster and Spicy crab. Both delicious
Woke up with a headache and realized I didn't eat dinner was woken by a growling stomach and wanted ice cream. I looked inside my freezer to find a frozen sugar free pudding.. I removed it into a small bowl and it tasted like ice cream. Wow. Definitely a...
I adore Starbucks and DD but you can easily make better iced and hot at home and save a lot of money in the process. I made an amazing brew by mistake and it was so good I am now mixing the most outstanding blends
Start off with your favorite expresso. I adore Pilon and I add it to a filter and add a few flavors. Try apple...