I was really touched by the 2011 film " Friends With Kids" written, directed and starring Jennifer Westfeldt. Jennifer plays a woman whose clock is ticking and she and her best friend from College decide to have a baby and share the child while they look for their perfect partner. The cast includes Jon Hamm, Kelly Bishop, Chris O'Dowd,...
" Stuck in Love" is rated R and is a must see for adults over the age of 16. The film is about love, sex, drugs, relationships and isa smart film about a family and how they cope. It gets 3 stars for being a well written and touching film. You can find it on Netflix streaming and it is my pick of the week. Corine Cohen Greg...
Hi, We are starting a new column on good films to rent. Turbo, is a cute little animated film about a snail that wants to move fast and ends up being in the Indy 500. This film is adorable and the perfect rental for small children and young adults. Is it the best movie ever? No. But a great rental. Corine Cohen ...