" The Belle Of Belfast" takes place in 1985 in Belfast Ireland. Kate Lydic, plays Anne Malloy a teenager who lost her parents due to fighting in Belfast. She lives with her odd, lonely Aunt played by the hilarious Patricia Conolly who goes to...
Corine Cohen chats with the Chef Ron Hsu at Le Colonial about his famous Summer rolls at the Streets Eats benefit. We hope you enjoy this short interview as much as we enjoyed his scrumptious Summer roll!
STREETS Eats - 8th Annual Benefit
Video by Corine Cohen
Join New York City's most prestigous chefs for an evening of culinary adventure to support STREETS International.
STREETS provides the opportunity for street kids, orphans, and terribly disadvantaged youth to transition from poverty and life on the...
Val and Rumer take the Mirror Ball on Dancing With The Stars. All three couples were incredible. As a fan of Val over the years, I am very excited with his win. I was also very proud of Sharna Burgess and Noah who placed in third place. They did an incredible job and he is a hero. Congrats to all three couples you are all...