I saw GYPSY this afternoon and I was never moved by a show as I was this afternoon. When Audra sang ‘Rose’s Turn’ it was truly the greatest acting I have ever seen. Audra was crying and sweating and I was moved so much I was sobbing!
This show is my favorite Sondheim show and it meant so much watching Audra in the first row. I could see everything and it was one of the most magical moments in the Theater.
I adored everything about the show. Leslie Margherita was hysterical in ‘You Gotta Get A Gimmick.’ That number is hysterical.
Audra and Danny had amazing chemistry and the entire cast were exceptional. Tulsa’s dance number was also one of my favorites.
If you can see it try to sit close it makes such a difference. The first time I saw it five flights up and I didn’t see anything. Sitting close made the show extra special. Audra had me sobbing. It was her best performance since ‘Porgy and Bess.’
Try and see this. Audra deserves another Tony. I loved Joy Woods as Louise as well. Danny happens to be a favorite and I hope he is awarded at award season. He won for Moulin and was snubbed for Fiddler. Race to see this spectacular show. Moo moo moo moo. I wish Chowsey the Yorkie mix had more stage time! Bill Berloni never ceases to amaze me. The Yorkie is the cutest.
Corine Cohen
Review and photos by Corine Cohen.
Curtain call of Gypsy cast.